53 research outputs found

    Towards a neural hierarchy of time scales for motor control

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    Animals show remarkable rich motion skills which are still far from realizable with robots. Inspired by the neural circuits which generate rhythmic motion patterns in the spinal cord of all vertebrates, one main research direction points towards the use of central pattern generators in robots. On of the key advantages of this, is that the dimensionality of the control problem is reduced. In this work we investigate this further by introducing a multi-timescale control hierarchy with at its core a hierarchy of recurrent neural networks. By means of some robot experiments, we demonstrate that this hierarchy can embed any rhythmic motor signal by imitation learning. Furthermore, the proposed hierarchy allows the tracking of several high level motion properties (e.g.: amplitude and offset), which are usually observed at a slower rate than the generated motion. Although these experiments are preliminary, the results are promising and have the potential to open the door for rich motor skills and advanced control

    Quantifying appearance retention in carpets using geometrical local binary patterns

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    Quality assessment in carpet manufacturing is performed by humans who evaluate the appearance retention (AR) grade on carpet samples. To quantify the AR grades objectively, different research based on computer vision have been developed. Among them Local Binary Pattern (LBP) and its variations has shown promising results. Nevertheless, the requirements of quality assessment on a wide range of carpets have not been met yet. One of the difficulties is to distinguish between consecutive AR grades in carpets. For this, we adopt an extension of LBP called Geometrical Local Binary Patterns (GLBP) that we recently proposed. The basis of GLBP is to evaluate the grey scale differences between adjacent points defined on a path in a neighbourhood. Symmetries of the paths in the GLBPs are evaluated. The proposed technique is compared with an invariant rotational mirror based LBP technique. The results show that the GLBP technique performs better to distinguish consecutive AR grades in carpets

    Surface reconstruction of wear in carpets by using a wavelet edge detector

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    Carpet manufacturers have wear labels assigned to their products by human experts who evaluate carpet samples subjected to accelerated wear in a test device. There is considerable industrial and academic interest in going from human to automated evaluation, which should be less cumbersome and more objective. In this paper, we present image analysis research on videos of carpet surfaces scanned with a 3D laser. The purpose is obtaining good depth Images for an automated system that should have a high percentage of correct assessments for a wide variety of carpets. The innovation is the use of a wavelet edge detector to obtain a more continuously defined surface shape. The evaluation is based on how well the algorithms allow a good linear ranking and a good discriminance of consecutive wear labels. The results show an improved linear ranking for most carpet types, for two carpet types the results are quite significant

    A two-step learning approach for solving full and almost full cold start problems in dyadic prediction

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    Dyadic prediction methods operate on pairs of objects (dyads), aiming to infer labels for out-of-sample dyads. We consider the full and almost full cold start problem in dyadic prediction, a setting that occurs when both objects in an out-of-sample dyad have not been observed during training, or if one of them has been observed, but very few times. A popular approach for addressing this problem is to train a model that makes predictions based on a pairwise feature representation of the dyads, or, in case of kernel methods, based on a tensor product pairwise kernel. As an alternative to such a kernel approach, we introduce a novel two-step learning algorithm that borrows ideas from the fields of pairwise learning and spectral filtering. We show theoretically that the two-step method is very closely related to the tensor product kernel approach, and experimentally that it yields a slightly better predictive performance. Moreover, unlike existing tensor product kernel methods, the two-step method allows closed-form solutions for training and parameter selection via cross-validation estimates both in the full and almost full cold start settings, making the approach much more efficient and straightforward to implement

    Multi-Target Prediction: A Unifying View on Problems and Methods

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    Multi-target prediction (MTP) is concerned with the simultaneous prediction of multiple target variables of diverse type. Due to its enormous application potential, it has developed into an active and rapidly expanding research field that combines several subfields of machine learning, including multivariate regression, multi-label classification, multi-task learning, dyadic prediction, zero-shot learning, network inference, and matrix completion. In this paper, we present a unifying view on MTP problems and methods. First, we formally discuss commonalities and differences between existing MTP problems. To this end, we introduce a general framework that covers the above subfields as special cases. As a second contribution, we provide a structured overview of MTP methods. This is accomplished by identifying a number of key properties, which distinguish such methods and determine their suitability for different types of problems. Finally, we also discuss a few challenges for future research

    A Kernel-Based Framework for Learning Graded Relations From Data

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    Driven by a large number of potential applications in areas, such as bioinformatics, information retrieval, and social network analysis, the problem setting of inferring relations between pairs of data objects has recently been investigated intensively in the machine learning community. To this end, current approaches typically consider datasets containing crisp relations so that standard classification methods can be adopted. However, relations between objects like similarities and preferences are often expressed in a graded manner in real-world applications. A general kernel-based framework for learning relations from data is introduced here. It extends existing approaches because both crisp and graded relations are considered, and it unifies existing approaches because different types of graded relations can be modeled, including symmetric and reciprocal relations. This framework establishes important links between recent developments in fuzzy set theory and machine learning. Its usefulness is demonstrated through various experiments on synthetic and real-world data. The results indicate that incorporating domain knowledge about relations improves the predictive performance

    Algebraic shortcuts for leave-one-out cross-validation in supervised network inference

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    Supervised machine learning techniques have traditionally been very successful at reconstructing biological networks, such as protein-ligand interaction, protein-protein interaction and gene regulatory networks. Many supervised techniques for network prediction use linear models on a possibly nonlinear pairwise feature representation of edges. Recently, much emphasis has been placed on the correct evaluation of such supervised models. It is vital to distinguish between using a model to either predict new interactions in a given network or to predict interactions for a new vertex not present in the original network. This distinction matters because (i) the performance might dramatically differ between the prediction settings and (ii) tuning the model hyperparameters to obtain the best possible model depends on the setting of interest. Specific cross-validation schemes need to be used to assess the performance in such different prediction settings.In this work we discuss a state-of-the-art kernel-based network inference technique called two-step kernel ridge regression. We show that this regression model can be trained efficiently, with a time complexity scaling with the number of vertices rather than the number of edges. Furthermore, this framework leads to a series of cross-validation shortcuts that allow one to rapidly estimate the model performance for any relevant network prediction setting. This allows computational biologists to fully assess the capabilities of their models. The machine learning techniques with the algebraic shortcuts are implemented in the RLScore software package: https://github.com/aatapa/RLScore

    Adapting Decision DAGs for Multipartite Ranking

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    European Conference, ECML PKDD 2010, Barcelona, Spain, September 20-24, 2010Multipartite ranking is a special kind of ranking for problems in which classes exhibit an order. Many applications require its use, for instance, granting loans in a bank, reviewing papers in a conference or just grading exercises in an education environment. Several methods have been proposed for this purpose. The simplest ones resort to regression schemes with a pre- and post-process of the classes, what makes them barely useful. Other alternatives make use of class order information or they perform a pairwise classi cation together with an aggregation function. In this paper we present and discuss two methods based on building a Decision Directed Acyclic Graph (DDAG). Their performance is evaluated over a set of ordinal benchmark data sets according to the C-Index measure. Both yield competitive results with regard to stateof- the-art methods, specially the one based on a probabilistic approach, called PR-DDA

    Conditional Ranking on Relational Data

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    In domains like bioinformatics, information retrieval and social network analysis, one can find learning tasks where the goal consists of inferring a ranking of objects, conditioned on a particular target object. We present a general kernel framework for learning conditional rankings from various types of relational data, where rankings can be conditioned on unseen data objects. Conditional ranking from symmetric or reciprocal relations can in this framework be treated as two important special cases. Furthermore, we propose an efficient algorithm for conditional ranking by optimizing a squared ranking loss function. Experiments on synthetic and real-world data illustrate that such an approach delivers state-of-the-art performance in terms of predictive power and computational complexity. Moreover, we also show empirically that incorporating domain knowledge in the model about the underlying relations can improve the generalization performance

    Evaluation of midkine and anterior gradient 2 in a multimarker panel for the detection of ovarian cancer

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    The aims of this study were: to characterise and compare plasma concentrations of midkine (MDK) in normal healthy women with concentrations observed in women with ovarian cancer; and to establish and compare the performance of MDK with that of anterior gradient 2 protein (AGR2) and CA125 in the development of multi-analyte classification algorithms for ovarian cancer. Median plasma concentrations of immunoreactive MDK, AGR2 and CA125 were significantly greater in the case cohort (909 pg/ml, 765 pg/ml and 502 U/ml, respectively n = 46) than in the control cohort (383 pg/ml, 188 pg/ml and 13 U/ml, respectively n = 61) (p < 0.001). The area under the receiver operator characteristic curve (AUC) for MDK and AGR2 was not significantly different (0.734 ± 0.046 and 0.784 ± 0.049, respectively, mean ± SE) but were both significantly less than the AUC for CA125 (0.934 ± 0.030, p < 0.003). When subjected to stochastic gradient boosted logistic regression modelling, the AUC of the multi-analyte panel (MDK, AGR2 and CA125, 0.988 ± 0.010) was significantly greater than that of CA125 alone (0.934 ± 0.030, p = 0.035). The sensitivity and specificity of the multi-analyte algorithm were 95.2 and 97.7%, respectively. Within the study cohort, CA125 displayed a sensitivity and specificity of 87.0 and 94.6%, respectively. The data obtained in this study confirm that both MDK and AGR2 individually display utility as biomarkers for ovarian cancer and that in a multi-analyte panel significantly improve the diagnostic utility of CA125 in symptomatic women